Joe, Navy Veteran and Navy Achievement Award achiever, is the only Sheriff candidate in Anne Arundel County who follows and will uphold the Constitutions.
After spending his many years in the Navy where he was a welder and ship mechanic as well as supervisor for a small command, he transitioned to civilian life by furthering his mechanical career through RHVAC training and engineering classes at Anne Arundel Community College.
Joe has continued to build his RVAC career by providing services to many HVAC companies in the area with his current position being Supervisor Energy Management Installations where he oversees the installations as well as designs and programs the technical controls of the systems.
Joe is also an active member of Cornerstone Evangelistic Church in Bowie where he participates in bible study and has developed a program which encourages and rewards the members who read the bible cover to cover in 1 year.
As an instructor of the Institute On The Constitution since 2008, Joe also has a strong understanding of the Constitutions both the federal and the Maryland’s. He lives by the two most important tools he carries in his toolbox, his Bible, and his Constitution.

Joe has the backbone and the courage to stand up to the overreaching government. In fact according to the Constitution, the Sheriff is the protector of the people in times of overreach as we are experiencing today.
And you WILL have that protection with Joe as your sheriff! He has already proven that when many times during the last 2 years he has called the AACO police on the tyrant store employees instead of waiting for the store’s representative to call them out first. This is heroic! And really goes to show that Joe will not back down as your sheriff.
Joe is all about DEFENDing the people! If you want a sheriff who will do the job they are supposed to do as designed in the Constitution, then Joe is the right sheriff for you! Vote for Joe on July 19!